Monday, January 29, 2007
有病 >.<
开始怀疑有变态狂跟踪我呵呵 是变态狂吗?还是恋物狂?
我回到宿舍后 要收衣服 却大吃了一斤意外的大便
又爬贴的同学都会知道 我在上个学期不见了两条裤子 对吧
原以为事情早已大结局的我 被自己的天真狠狠地刮了一巴掌
犹记得第二学期刚刚开始时 这里的雨天宣告来临
学子们 包括我 当然是拿着雨伞到处走来走去
就这样 回到宿舍我把雨伞拿出来晾干 才十几分钟 它就不见了
之后是一件白色的T-Shirt 消失 然后是课外活动用的黑裤 跟着消失
我衣橱的成员越来越少 我也越来越不爽
而今天发生的 当然也是一样的事情 但这次不见的衣橱成员 竟然是我的内裤 -_-
就这样 我怀疑有变态狂 或是恋物狂跟踪我
神经病 去他的 我还怕有天它会把我奸杀呢 屁啦
老实说我是在搞不清楚状况 为何每次遭殃的都是我 呜。。。呜
大学生 竟然要沦落到要去偷别人的衣裤 甚至。。
我真的是彻底无言 只是衷心希望他改过自新
我怀疑有变态狂 或是恋物狂跟踪我 我怀疑有变态狂 或是恋物狂跟踪我!!!!
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Saturday, January 27, 2007
Too buzy
Haih, my life was too buzy these days.Assignments, projects, and rubbish"s".
Will keep on update my blog when free, stay tuned.
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今早收到一个电话还有两个简讯我一位以前的同学因为昨晚呼吸困难 就这样去了
最近的生活 除了忙 还是忙
我说我开始麻痹了 朋友都会担心我
与其跳入水深火热的状况 不如逃避
依靠的肩膀 顿时失去了重心
水瓶在荒洋大海中 来来去去 飘浮不定
主角气馁拆下面具 深深叹息 这个无言的结局
从没有人 曾经说过 这是条通往直线的路
连爱丽丝 都有可能 迷失在这迷宫 然后放弃
Mi amigo murió hoy debido a su enfermedad.
Aunque no nos conocemos muy bien, sino a mí fáltela.
Como amigo, apenas desee decirle eso, resto en paz, amen.
啊 好烦 呵呵 :)
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Saturday, January 13, 2007
Trumpet training
As i mentioned b4My first week is quite buzy and lame
I keep telling meself to stay cool and stay steady
but sorry i can't do it.
Today is the second day of my orkestra training
Coach handed me this
As first i am very happy
coz i finally got a chance to learn something new
something from beginning
But then he tell me that i got only 2 weeks to make the trumpet handy
If not i will lost the chance to play the trumpet...
Life is like uncertain
Life is like rollercoaster...up and down too fast lol
But i promist myself to do my best
Out Topic--
My fren took this picture (Malaysia Eye) from KL
Its beautiful, i think i wanna have a ride on that after i back KL next time lol
Life is uncertain...maybe
But life is still beautiful :)
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Back to action
I arrived campus at about 2 morning something 5th Januaryregistered on the next day and got my room key
My new room now is at 265, a bit far away from my nest
but it doesn't matter lol DUH
I used about 3-4 days to sattled everything
including my stuff my room and ofcoz my feeling
haha still missing my hoomies ofcoz ><
Today is our add drop course day
and thats y i hang myself on the net again
but too bad the server condition is SUX
and we can't even enter the students portal damnit
This is the first and last time i do those moron stuff
the add drop studd just waste my freaking time
May god bless me tomorrow coz i realy need to add and drop some rubbish lol
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Thursday, January 4, 2007
12月 对我来说真的是个大忙月活动一大堆 约会一大堆 幸福一大堆
从12月2号回到吉隆坡开始 直到今天1月3号
差不多整整一个月吧 我的生活忙碌而充实
忙碌终于跑到终点了 明天晚上我也要回到北大
我没停止跑哦 嗯 可以说是换个方向跑吧 呵呵
这次答应自己也要努力 干巴爹叻
看看slide算了 太多东西了
去他的 一个slide怎么能装得下我的回忆
根本不够装 装到kek kek下 就这样先啦
掰啦 我明晚回北大了 各位 北大见 : )
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Wednesday, January 3, 2007
2412 Xmas Eve
24-12-2006 Christmas Eve
BBQ and Steamboat party at Han Wui's house
BBQ and Steamboat party at Han Wui's house
Than later go countdown at KL Town
No need to explain more ba i think haha
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Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Happy New Year 2007
2006 just pass with alot of joy and funand here comes 2007, the year of pig
But i can't act like a pig this year
I must work harder, turn a new leaf and start a new life
Overall, i think i did a good job in year 2006
and i will continue my hardwork this year
Ok this is the first post in 2007
Good luck and happy new year to all the ppl out there:~!
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